Discover our Add-ons

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Loyalty Program: Increase customer loyalty and engagement.

Premium Add-ons

Guest Referral

by WPLoyalty

Guest Referral Add-on offer referral rewards to customers instantly upon email submission, redeemable in their first order.

Free Add-ons

Launcher Widget

by WPLoyalty

Launcher Widget in WPLoyalty makes it easy for customers to discover and join your loyalty program.

Point Expiry

by WPLoyalty

Set expiry dates for loyalty points with our Point Expiry App.  Ensure customers use their points before they expire.

Multi Currency

by WPLoyalty

Multi Currency add-on enables compatibility with popular multi-currency plugins. So you can allow customers to earn and redeem points in their store currency.
The Multi-lingual Compatibility Add-on simplifies translating dynamic strings like campaign title and description in WPLoyalty.
The Discount Rules Integration add-on combines WPLoyalty and Flycart’s Discount Rules plugins, enabling store owners to implement level-based discounts for their valued customers. Add-on integrates WPLoyalty with and allows you to offer customers points/rewards for writing reviews in
Migrate your customers and their loyalty points easily from other loyalty programs to WPLoyalty with our powerful Migration Add-On.

Reward your customers based on the brand preferences in your WooCommerce store with our powerful Brand Condition Add-on.

Start implementing the best loyalty program for your customers

Try our Launcher Widget and Point Expiry App now!