Create Dynamic Pricing and Discounts in your WooCommerce online store easily. Bulk discounts, cart discounts, special offers, user role based discounts and more.
Create unlimited custom WooCommerce order bumps offers at pre-purchase, post-purchase, and frequently bought together product recommendations to encourage your customers to make additional purchases with just one click.
Customize your WooCommerce Emails with a drag and drop editor. Change the logo, text, header, footer and more. You can customize everything in the WooCommerce order notification emails.
Automate your email campaigns in minutes – recover abandoned carts, drive repeat purchases with next order coupons, win-back inactive customers, welcome new customers, send order follow-ups, and thank you emails.
Build a rewarding relationship with your customers as 60% of the revenue comes from repeat purchases. Create and launch a loyalty reward program for your customers today & boost your sales.