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Introducing Color Personalization in WPLoyalty 1.2.2

We are thrilled to introduce exciting updates in WPLoyalty 1.2.2 _ changing colors at the customer rewards page and more improvements.

Color Personalization – Customer Rewards Page

You can now personalize the colors of your rewards page! Customize the border color, background color, and text color to match your style and brand identity.

To change the colors, visit WPLoyalty Dashboard -> Settings -> Customer Rewards Page. You can now change the colors of your preference and click on save changes.

Color personalization

Now, customers can visit their My Account page -> Points & Rewards section. Customers can see that their rewards page is customized as per your preferences.

Reward page customized

Apply Coupon Button in Launcher Widget

We’ve added a convenient “Apply Coupons” button to the launcher widget. Now you can easily redeem your coupons without any hassle. Just a single click, and you’re on your way to unlocking fantastic discounts and rewards.

Coupon button in launcher widget

Campaign Start Date and Optional End Date:

You will now find the campaign start date prominently displayed. But, the campaign end date is optional. You can choose the end date if you want to or the campaign will never end and your customers will be able to see the campaign for every purchase.

Campaign start and end date

Other Notable Improvements:

Security Fixes – Restricted creating multiple coupons in multiple clicks

Customer list page has been optimized

Loading issue resolved on Cart Page and Launcher Widget

Create a WooCommerce Loyalty Points and Rewards Program Now!

Start rewarding your customers, acquire new customers through referrals and increase your sales with our best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugin.